We've updated our rates to give you even better value
Now with FREE UK shipping on the following items:
- All network sim cards
- Gold Number Sim Cards
- All orders with a value of over £20
How have shipping costs changed?
Postage costs have increased almost exponentially since our inception 18 years ago. It cost just 22p to send a sim card out via 2nd class post and just 9p more at 31p to send it 1st class.
Today a second class stamp costs 85p, almost 4 TIMES AS MUCH, and a first class stamp costs a whopping £1.65 after Royal Mail's THIRD price hike this year.
A Large Letter costs £2.60 to send first class, and a small parcel £4.79, increasing to £6.99 for a Medium Parcel. You get the idea.
Why we made the changes
We thought long and hard about dropping free shipping across the board. Most major companies have been charging for every item for years while we have always tried to subsidise the cost of getting your order to you.
But costs have continued to increase, Royal Mail now increase prices several times each year for at least the past couple of years, and always well above the rate of inflation, with other carriers adjusting their prices to suit.
Shipping has to be paid for, so we have to incorporate those costs into the price of what we sell. So if you're buying a low value item you're now paying more for shipping than you're paying for the cost of the item. It doesn't make any sense, and of course, it's simply unsustainable.
Our new rates give you better value
We have now set the free shipping rate for orders totalling £20 or more (not including shipping prices). This is well below our average order rate so it won't affect most customers - you will still enjoy free shipping on your order - but it now means that if you're buying a £5 item you won't have to pay £8 for it because we won't have to include shipping costs in the price if the item - so virtually every item in our online store valued at under £25 is now considerably cheaper than it was before.
This means that if your basket is over £20 you will now get even better value for money, with lower item prices and we're STILL subsidising your delivery costs with even Express options available at well below cost price. You also only pay one shipping price, not per item.
Table of current rates

NEW! CLICK and COLLECT now available in most UK locations. Choose "Ship to pickup point" at the checkout and collect when it's convenient for you. Collection points now include many UK Post Offices.
As well as all orders over £20 in value, ALL sim card orders, including Gold Number Sim Cards, are still shipped to you completely free. We're determined to continue to offer you the best possible value for as long as it's possible to do so. We can't do the impossible obviously, but we promise we're never going to exploit you either and our shipping costs are still amongst the cheapest you will find anywhere.
Here are our current rates, correct as of 1 November 2024
- CLICK and COLLECT - Delivery to your local EVRI pick up point - £2.75
- UK Standard - 3-5 working days -
Thank you for your continued support.